American Indian Societies & Cultures

This guide is to aid research projects (historical or sociological) on American Indian life and thought.

Welcome to American Indian Societies and Cultures

Welcome to DeWitt Library's subject guide on American Indian societies and cultures. While this guide was prepared with a particular course in mind (His/Soc317x, now His365), anyone interested in this subject should be able to find some help here. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact a reference librarian at DeWitt Library. 

 First Americans


Bandelier National Monument, NM; Ancestral Pueblo center, c. 1200-1400 AD

The Americas were settled before 1492. First Americans were diverse in languages, agriculture, religion, trading relations, building styles, and other ways. Euro-American conquest and settlement added to the complexity of American Indian life.

Subject Librarian

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Doug Anderson
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