
Evaluating Web Sites

When evaluating web sites, answer questions about the 4 As;

1. Author​

  • Who is the author of this site?
  • What are his/her credentials (occupation, position, education, years of experience)?
  • Is the author an expert on this topic?

Tip:   If you can’t find answers to these questions, you probably shouldn’t use this source in an academic paper.

2. Affiliation

  • What institution, organization, or Internet provider supports this information?
  • What is the viewpoint or bias of this group?

Tip: Look for an “About Us” link or similar information on the web site.

3. Agenda

  • What is the purpose of this site? Why was it put on the web?
  • What opinions are expressed by the author?

4. Accuracy​

  • When was this site last updated? (The information might be out-of-date.)
  • Are statistics and other facts correctly cited?
  • How does this information compare with that in other sources, such as print sources?