Biblical Archaeology is a website where you can learn about the different cultures of ancient biblical people. It also serves as a guide to help you explore the world of the Bible.
The Blue Letter Bible now has over 4,000,000 links onsite to over 165,000 pages of concordances, lexicons, dictionaries, commentaries, images, and Bible versions.
The purpose of the Catholic Encyclopedia is to provide readers with full and authoritative information on the entire cycle of Catholic interests, actions, and doctrine.
The mission of the CCEL is to build up the church by making classic Christian writing available and promoting its use. CCEL has icons where you can; research in their library, study bible passages, read a good book, and meditate with a daily devotion.
A website that contains information about different creeds like; The Creed of Nicaea, Canon V, and Athanasian Creed. It also contains creeds from different denominations like; Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, Orthodox, Presbyterian, Puritan, and several others.
This site contains two copies of Johann Gutenberg's Bible from the British Library. It also provides some background, links for further reading, and a timeline.
Institutes of the Christian Religion on John Calvin gives information and books such as The Knowledge of God the Creator, The Knowledge of God the Redeemer in Christ, and The Way in Which We Receive the Grace of Christ.
The Internet Sacred Text Archive has the largest readership of any similar site. The home page offers many topics, including world religions, traditions, mysteries, books, a bibliography, maps, translations, the Bible, Egyptian, and evil.
The National Council of Churches is a website that has headline articles about news in the church. There are NCC News Headlines and Worldwide Faith News.
On this website there are topics listed so that the users can access all the content produced by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life. The categories include issues, Beliefs & Practices, Religious Affiliation, and Demographics.
The Post-Reformed Digital Library is a select bibliography of digital books relating to the development of theology and philosophy during the Reformation and Post-Reformation/Early Modern Era.
This website is based on interviews with more than 35,000 American adults, this extensive survey by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life details the religious makeup, religious beliefs, and practices as well as social and political attitudes of the American public.