Diversity + Belonging Resources

Diversity Playbook

NWC Core Values

Northwestern College’s Vision for Diversity articulates our commitment to a college community reflective of the diversity found in God’s good creation. The document aligns with Northwestern’s core values as expressed in our mission statement, Vision for Learning, and Christian Identity Statement. Focused on historically underrepresented ethnic minorities and women, the Vision for Diversity is firmly rooted in a biblical paradigm and considers how the biblical narrative of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration sheds light on our understanding of human difference and directs our participation in God’s redeeming work. 

This statement was developed by Northwestern College’s Multi-Ethnic Resource Committee (now the Diversity Resource Committee) with broad campus input and approved by the Board of Trustees in October 2015.

Vision for Diversity

Guided by the biblical narrative of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration, Northwestern College strives to pursue God’s redeeming work in the world by courageously and faithfully engaging the fullness of our similarities and differences in our learning and living together.

DeWitt Library Mission

As innovative partners with faculty and staff, we aspire to integrate library services and resources into the academic life of Northwestern College, empowering students to transform information into knowledge.

If there are materials that you think would enhance our collection or this Libguide, please contact us.

Campus Diversity

NOTE:  The Chronicle of Higher Education is available through Northwestern College: