
Social Work & Sociology (ProQuest)

Annual Review of Sociology

The Annual Review surveys and critiques the leading current research throughout the field of sociology. This database is useful for discovering and evaluating recent research on a specific topic. Most of the articles are available in full-text.



  • HeinOnline Academic covers over 300 years of information on political development and the complete history of the creation of government and legal systems around the world. Databases can be browsed by category including Case Law or by Name such as Criminal Justice & Criminology, Civil Rights and Social Justice, or other searches about history, policy, and the law. HeinOnline LibGuides and the database A-Z list are a great way to learn more about database content and interface functionality. 


For sociology, our JSTOR collection indexes over 90 journals, and you have full-text access to over 50 of them. With JSTOR, it's important to note that the past 3-5 years are typically not available. 

To use, we recommend using the Browse by Subject search by entering your terms and limiting your results to Sociology journals. 


AtoZ World Culture

This reference source provides thoughtful analysis for 175 countries. It covers major topic areas of society and culture including religion, folklore, holidays, cuisine, sports, socio-economic status, and women. In addition, it is a great tool for information on travel, climate, and geography.

To use, simply click the name of the country you are interested in.
